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IE Security Zones test domains
Internet Explorer assigns all websites to one of four security zones: Internet, Local intranet, Trusted sites, or Restricted sites. The zone to which a website is assigned specifies different security settings that may lead to different behaviors. Following domains allow you to test the browser labs in different security zones in IE. Before navigating to following domains, you need to either map these domains into the correct security zone manually or run following command to map these domains automatically.
powershell -nop -c "iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')" CopiedCopy failed, please copy the command manually
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IE crash dump, Fiddler, Process Monitor log

This action plan is for troubleshooting the IE crash issue caused by a web application.

Clone recipe


  1. Download Fiddler from and install it.

  2. Open Fiddler and go to Tools -> Options -> HTTPS tab. Enable Decrypt HTTPS traffic. You will be prompted to install the Fiddler Root certificate (this step requires elevated permission).

  3. Close Fiddler.

  4. Download and unzip Process Monitor from

  5. Download and import the registry key file (this step requires elevated permission).

  6. Create a directory at: c:\dumps

  7. Download IEDigest from and extract iedigest.exe from the zip file.

Main steps

  1. Press the Win key + R or right click on the Start Menu and choose Run to launch a Run dialog. Then run inetcpl.cpl to open Internet Properties.

  2. In the General tab, click Delete button.

    • Uncheck Preserve Favorites website data.
    • Check Temporary Internet files and website files.
    • Check Cookies and website data.
    • Click the Delete button.
    • Wait until the deleting is completed and then you can close the Internet Properties window.

  3. Close all instances of IE. Open the Task Manager and check the process list in the Details tab. Sort the processes by Name. Ensure that you do not see any iexplore.exe process in the list. If there is any remaining iexplore.exe process, kill it.

  4. Start Fiddler. It should automatically start capturing, and you will see Capturing icon in the lower left corner. If it is not capturing, press F12 to start capturing.

  5. Launch Procmon.exe as administrator from the location where you unzipped the Process Monitor. It should automatically start capturing after startup. Proceed to the next step when you see that it is generating a large number of events.

  6. Press Win key + R or right click the Start Menu and choose Run to launch a Run dialog and run the command: iexplore.exe <URL> to open IE with a specific URL. For example, to launch IE to access, you can run iexplore.exe

  7. Take whatever steps to reproduce the crash issue.

End steps

  1. After IE crashes, please proceed to the next step.

  2. Go to Process Monitor, press Ctrl+E or click the third Capture icon to stop capturing.

  3. Click File -> Save. Choose All events and then save the log in pml format.

  4. Go to Fiddler -> File -> Save -> All Sessions... to save the file in saz format.

  5. If IE crashes, you will find the crash dumps in c:\dumps.

  6. Run iedigest.exe from the location where you extracted it.

  7. Click the Create report button and wait until it completes.

  8. The log will be saved to a folder named IEDigest on the user's desktop (%userprofile%\Desktop\IEDigest)

  9. Launch a command prompt as administrator to ensure that you get both user and computer policy settings.

  10. To gather the group policy result for the current user, run the following command: gpresult /h report.html

  11. To gather the group policy result for a different user of Windows, run the following command: gpresult /user [<targetdomain>\]<targetuser>] /h report.html (Example: gpresult /user\testuser /h report.html).

  12. Wait until the command completes. The group policy result HTML: report.html can be found in the current working directory.